Literacy... Leadership...Tolerance... Insight... Character Development... Communication...
Team Building... Problem Solving... Life Skills
Just for FUN, FUN, FUN !!!
Copyright©2007-2012 Pass-Around the Magic, Inc.
All trademarks owned by Cheryl Chitayat and Dafna Soltes Stein. All rights reserved.
Pass-Around the Magic® works to strengthen the life skills and relationships of individuals, family and community through the innovation of products and workshops that support “Play with a Purpose”. We strive to make the magic of interpersonal connection, creativity and oral storytelling accessible to both the professional and the layperson alike. Even if you’ve never told a made up story before, you too can Pass-Around the Magic with Pass-Around Storytelling!
Creative Products,
Professional Development
Parents... Families...Teachers...
Therapists... Counselors...
Schools... Camps... Programs...
Professional Groups...